Knowledge is a universal treasure that is accessible to all people. Human, universal knowledge goes far beyond the mind, intellect, and pure experience. Relaxation and silence create space and dialogue from which the certainty emerges: This is true, just as it is.
You are the master of your life, and no authority will be able to guess what is best for you: you just know it.
In the calm, in the silence, in warmth, and security, power comes to the surface, grasps your being, and you know with unshakeable clarity: this is my truth.
Everything is recorded. The earth’s electromagnetic field holds the wisdom of all things, the direction of all life paths, and the power to stay here on earth – to really be here.
How much of yourself can you have today? Can you be, in your own company, in dialogue with your inner wisdom? When all television, all computer games, alcohol and drugs, excessive food, and all gap fillers have become stale and leave you empty, when everything is silent:
What can you hear? Which questions do you have?
You may hear: Go to sleep; you’re tired. Or do you hear: this therapy is not for me. You may hear: it would be better to live in another house. Or do you hear: I chose my profession out of fear…
Listen well. When the voices of everyday life, of the body, and the “measuring and considering” are implemented and silenced in everyday life, other truths reach you:
The greatness of life. The breathing of the forests. The bustle of the birds that connect heaven and earth. The resilience of the trees.
Do you feel the hand that holds all life? Do you smell the fire that cleanses all life? Do you hear the sounds that connect all life?
Do you know that you are?
Do you know who you are now?