Quantum words in your head

Words, expressions, and idioms have their own very special vibration. While the word ‘smile’ vibrates highly, the expression ‘laugh at’ carries a low frequency. ‘Tackling’ vibrates higher than ‘tearing’ and ‘caressing’ higher than ‘hitting’.

Words can also vibrate high or low in context. Thus, in a loving context, the expression ‘to take care’ can vibrate high, while a controlling intension dramatically slows down the frequency of the expression.

Words that we use continuously in our thoughts – and repeat countless times in the course of the day – have a strong effect on us. They can slow us down, make us sad or angry, put us in sluggish fatigue, or, on the contrary, motivate, inspire, amuse, heal us.

Words in our heads are like doors: some close our lives, keep us at bay and isolate us. Others are opening, they bring things into flow and offer new possibilities.

Since we live in polarity and in the paradigm of duality, there are not only opening and closing thoughts. Every situation, whether pleasant or painful, is subject to duality and offers the opportunity to open up or isolate oneself. Each opening decreases resistance. Where there is no resistance, no collision is possible. If we don’t collide with reality, we won’t break from it.

Painful experiences are inevitable in being human. The body becomes sick or unforeseen suffering happens. Pain is part of the experience in polarity. Suffering, on the other hand, does not have to be.

Accepting the pain is a first healing step that can lead to more expansion and opening, to a kind of relaxation into the situation.

Suffering, on the other hand, is self-generated and is nourished and maintained by closed, isolating thoughts – words in our heads.

It is of little help now to push away reality while in a painful life situation and force yourself to think about the flower’s smell and how beautiful today’s sunrise was all day long. Ultimately, this cannot be implemented in everyday life.

Freedom is not to experience only positive, constructive situations, but in every situation, whether uplifting or painful, to open or close life through thoughts.

Closing words such as:

‘You have left me. You don’t love me. I am alone. I have lost you.’ are extremely painful. They are painful because they reflect a physical reality that is the polar opposite of the soul’s truth.

The situation begins to open up when we use words like:

Nothing is ever lost. The memory of you is imprinted in my palm, I became myself because of you. I am at home within myself. I’m free.

What is causing you pain today?

Do YOU find an open door in your head that leads out of suffering?