Flowing with life

Life carries us to places, in situations and encounters – without our involvement.

If we allow life to show us the next step – and it always shows us only the next step – we confidently go our blessed way of life in the now.

We bear burdens with dignity and opportunities and tasks seem to arise quite naturally.

It becomes difficult for us when we try to follow our own invented paths and life seems very difficult to us when we go back. Back to the past, back to old places, back to outlived encounters.

It takes courage and trust to listen to life in silence and to live the next impulses without knowing what will happen next; without knowing what’s next.

Life demands effort and relaxation from us again and again. Action and rest. Although it is wise for a human being to think of consequences and to prepare for winter, the soul wants to gather its experiences, live its themes and deepen its encounters. We once invested a whole incarnation, today the soul wants to experience its theme and then move forward. So it happens that today we often learn 2 or 3 professions. We have several marriages and families, live on several continents, evolve from artist to teacher to healer in a single life! The speed of our development has multiplied in a short time. This makes it all the more important to recognize the cycles of life: to be active, to let go, and rest.

We must never convince ourselves that we have failed – we have no time to lose and life goes on forever – always forward into new worlds of experience and dimensions.

Let in, be active, let go and rest – in the circle of life we grow, mature, and eventually return home: to ourselves.