The Transforming Power of Fire

Each of the four elements has its own power and role.

The elements complement each other, balancing the planet and harmonizing our earth’s blueprint. They operate both in their delicate and fine form and with elemental force. The elements have a constructive, holding, as well as destructive, renewing, and purifying effect.

Water cleanses and clarifies. Water brings things into the flow and carries away the old. Sometimes delicate, gentle, and soothing, sometimes in a force that does not allow resistance. Surrendering completely to Water allows us to refresh, our tears to flow. We learn to let go. We learn to flow with life and to give up resistance. Surrendering to Water can be very healing. So many past burdens are solved, and we become soft, letting go of harshness and bitterness.

The Earth element holds and embraces us. It nourishes us, invites us to eat, lay down in surrender, and BE part of the planet. Through our connection with the earth, we feel our physical strength, our drive for action. We cannot fall from the earth. It holds us in infinite Love.

The Wind refreshes us. The air element clears our thoughts, aerates our cells. So that nothing heavy is endured anymore, even stuck things are carried along, whirled around. The Wind and Air invite you to the great spring cleaning of the soul. They remind us to live our lightness and joy, to allow fresh momentum in.

The supreme art of Fire is transformation.

Fire transforms everything it touches and leaves nothing unturned. When we encounter the fire element, we get purified in our depths, cleared, and rediscover ourselves. Troubles and worries that are handed over to the Fire turn into opportunities and prove in their new form how useful they were.

Pain handed over to the Fire reveals its message; we find its root cause and recognize its value in the resulting change of perspective.

When we go through the symbolic Fire, we become neutral and find the pure power of our soul.